The HPLC-ELSD fingerprints of Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus (FTB) and Fritillariae Hupehensis Bulbus (FHB) were established to compare the differences between the two herbs combined with multi-component quantitative analysis. The chromatographic column was Waters ACQUITY HSS T3 (4.6 mm× 250 mm, 5 μm). The gradient elution was performed at a flow rate of 1.1 mL/min with acetonitrile-0.1% triethylamine solution as the mobile phase. The column temperature was 38℃. Evaporative light scattering detection was used. The HPLC-ELSD fingerprints of FTB and FHB were established. The differences between FTB and FHB were compared by chemometrics methods and simultaneous determination of five alkaloid components. The results showed that the fingerprints of FTB had seven common peaks and the fingerprints of FHB had eight peaks. Six peaks were identified, namely yibeissine, peimisine …
Quality difference between Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus and Fritillariae Hupehensis Bulbus based on HPLC-ELSD fingerprints and multi-component quantitative analysis
by KMS | Jul 31, 2023